Thursday, December 6, 2012

ORABPEL-05250 Error

I faced ORABPEL-05250 error during my composite deployment with below message.

[08:54:32 AM] Error deploying archive sca_QueryCommitmentDetailsBRMCommsProvABCSImpl_rev1.0.jar to partition "default" on server soa_server1 [http://myserver:8001]
[08:54:32 AM] HTTP error code returned [500]
[08:54:32 AM] Error message from server:
There was an error deploying the composite on soa_server1: Deployment Failed: Error occurred during deployment of component: QueryCommitmentDetailsBRMCommsProvABCSImpl to service engine: implementation.bpel, for composite: QueryCommitmentDetailsBRMCommsProvABCSImpl: ORABPEL-05250

BPEL Document provides below explanation for error code ORABPEL-05250, but this information is generic and insufficient for analysis.

severity: 10
type: error
name: Error deploying BPEL suitcase
description: An error occurred while attempting to deploy the BPEL
suitcase file \"{0}\"; the exception reported is: {1}
To rectify this problem, you need to increase the log level and need to analyze the problem from the log file step by step.

Increase loglevel to debug mode.
  • Oracle 10g: default.collaxa.cube.engine.deployment set it to ‘debug’
  • Oracle 11g: oracle.soa.bpel.engine.deployment set it to ‘TRACE:32 (FINEST)’
I used 11g, so referred soa_server1.log and soa_server1.out to debug, after receiving deployment error. I found detailed error message in soa_server1.out as below.

This error got escaped during compilation in Jdeveloper and it was strange partnerLinkType and role in wsdl is proper and it is same as what is provided in .bpel file partnerlink element.
I changed the partnerRole and partnerLinkType name both in .bpel and wsdl file and redeployed the composite. Now no error, problem got resolved.

ORABPEL-05250 error can occur for number of reasons like ‘disk memory full’, ‘XSD / WSDL imports are unavailable or unreachable’ etc., proper analysis of log file will help out in resolving this problem.